Sunday, July 7, 2019

Summer Thougths

In the words of Bob Seeger, “In the sweet summertime, summertime.” And that’s what it is, sweet summertime.
Some are under the impression that summer in Arizona is a season to be dreaded, but I beg to differ. It’s merely a matter of adjusting some, getting in the proper frame of mind. Because the truth is summer in the desert is unique and wonderful.
Start out by listening to some great tunes, it’ll get you headed in the right direction.
                Saturday in the Park                      Chicago  
                Hot fun in the Summertime         Sly
                Wipeout                                           The Surfari’s
Break out the Aloha shirts and huarache sandals, suntan lotion and wide brimmed hats, it helps you get in the mood, look very cool, and be comfortable.
Phoenix in the summer is hot, no argument there. But, the majority of us go from our air conditioned house, to our air conditioned car to reach our air conditioned destination. It ain’t that bad. Most of us have a pool to jump in as well.
Traffic is incredibly light, stores, movie theaters, restaurants, all business’s are so much easier to deal with. The population drops incredibly in the summer. Snow birds have flown and half of Phoenix goes to San Diego.
Summer mornings are beautiful. Quiet and cool. Sit on the patio, have some coffee, jump in the pool, all before 6:00am, it’s a wonderful start to the day. If you have a friend that has a boat on Lake Powell you can hit the water, then the jet ski’s before most people are awake!
BBQing becomes the mode of cooking, why heat up the kitchen? Grilled corn on the cob, grilled chicken, burgers, dogs and finally fresh fruit. Time to enjoy friends and family, the BBQ is a well-documented stress reducer. Really it is, look it up.
Summer storms, the monsoon’s are unique to us as well. Now I’ve got to admit a mile high and 30 mile long dust storm is not a pleasure to endure, but it sure is cool to look at. And, it’s easier to sweep away the dust than shovel snow! A few years ago it was decided to call them Haboob’s instead of dust storms. I still like dust storm, for what it’s worth.
It’s also time to catch up on great old movies, Jaws, Close Encounters, Captain Ron, Stand by Me, ET. For some reason they were just made for this time of year.
Close out the day with another dip in the pool. Get the noodles out, float around, watch the stars, look for shooting stars and listen to the cicada’s.

“Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.”- Bob Marley
Happy Summer

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