Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Great Unwind

Unwind: relax after a period of work or tension.

It’s been quite the year, we’re moving into autumn, a long awaited season. Our 100 degree days seem to have broken, sun rise and sunset definitely look different, Orion and the Pleiades have made their annual appearance, which seals the deal.

We just returned from a week in Maine, halfway up the coast in Acadia National Park, Seal Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Bass Harbor, Bar Harbor and Otis. The town names have a ring to them, conjuring up images of the famous rocky coast, Atlantic Ocean, small harbor towns, fall leaves, good friends, good fellowship and meals.
It was just what was needed.This year hasn’t been the easiest, nor the worst either. Early this year our sweet dog Hobie got very ill, very quickly and we had to sadly let her go. It was a tough time for both of us and we still feel her loss deeply.

There has been a health challenge as well, which I am meeting head on and not letting take control of my life. It too has been a bit of an ordeal, but not insurmountable.

Work has been busy, which is good but also tiring at the same time.

All of that combined led us to our trip this year which was an unwinding that we both needed. It was a trip that couldn’t have been better.

A chance for my wife and I to spend quality time together, to let go of our day to day existence, to fully and completely relax. We spent the days driving the coast, exploring small towns, enjoying each other’s company and being so thankful for our marriage and time together.

Fortunately we have wonderful, dear friends who live on a lake just off the coast and we were able to spend time with them. My wife learned to play Cribbage, I took naps. We sat on the porch spending time in good conversation with friends.

Our souls and our bodies are recharged. Just in time for the Holiday Season!

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