Thursday, January 18, 2018

Bustin' Some Zzzs'

With the crazy pace that most of us keep these days, I’ve found that it is very important to take a break and check out for a while. Now I’m not talking about a Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze type break, I was thinking more along the lines of, well,  taking a nap.

Science has proven time and time again that sleep is very important to the human mind, body and soul. I’m not one to argue with science, I’m usually pretty happy to oblige science. I also believe in gravity, that the world is round and that polar bears can run 25 mph and jump 6 feet in the air (It’s true, I looked it up).

I apply the science of napping a few days a week, with the most important one being the afternoon nap on one of my days off. Timing needs to be right, approximately 1:00  pm – 1:30 pm is start time. Duration is important as well, naps need to run between 20 and 40 minutes at the most. Other than that you are just sleeping and wasting time.  Location is another issue. Naps should be taken on a couch, or in a Lazy Boy lounger as opposed to a bed. Again, if you are laying down in bed you are being lazy and just sleeping.

Napping is different than sleeping because there is still a conscious part of your mind still aware of what is going on around you. That way if the doorbell  of phone rings while you are napping, you simply ignore it, you have made a conscious decision and are not at the will of the unconscious. Still a modicum of control.

A few years ago I had the perfect nap. A friend and I had gone to Prescott to camp. It was rainy, cool, autumn Monday. Weekdays are great days to go off on adventures because generally you have most of the place to yourself, but I digress.

We got to the campground, unloaded the truck and set up camp. It was cool, windy and a dark day. After settling in we took a walk around the lake. We had just about finished when it started to lightly rain, so we picked up the pace and returned to camp. By then the rain was coming down pretty good, with the temperature dropping some more. Darn right chilly by then.

My friend decided to take a short drive to town to pick up some more supplies. I declined, it was a Monday, my first day off, and I was worn out.

He took off and I crawled into my sleeping bag, The front of the tent was open, the rain was hitting the tent as I drifted off into a nap. One of the best naps I’ve ever had…so good I had to write it down. There’s nothing like being in a warm sleeping bay, rain drizzling down, wind blowing, and drifting off for a nice respite.

It’s nap time….see you later.


  1. Made me smile and brought back memories of various camping trips :-)
    And yes, the wonderful nap! :-)

  2. That is something I am learning these days as well. Rest is not a bad thing. Society likes to make people look bad for needing to rest but, as you said, science says different. Even the Bible says that you should have a day of rest.

  3. Naps are good, especially curling up with a kitty and snoozing. They always think it is a good idea.
