Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Back.  It’s that simple. No explanations and no apologies, just some encouragement from friends.
I jumped in the pool last week, which is quite unusual considering it was the last week of October, not usually swimming weather. To be honest I didn’t swim, I jumped in, said “there, I did it” and got back out. This bookends nicely with the last blog on snowshoeing.  Cold, and cold, with a typical hot Arizona summer in between. 

 Quite a bit did go on between those dates.  Glen Frey and David Bowie both died, The Olympics went on as scheduled in spite of all the dire warnings, Queen Elizabeth turned 90 , Groundhog Day (always one of my favorites), there was a big concert in the desert with great old bands playing at it (One of my favorite T-Shirts, I may be old but I got to see all the cool bands), the Cubs WON  the World Series, and, this is not Sci-Fi, but either Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton will become President of the United States, wonderful, the choice between either a megalomaniac or a pathological liar.

And you know what the big news is today?  People are “upset” about the Starbucks Green Holiday (they don’t have the cajones to call it a Christmas) Cup.  I’m serious, check out the news. This is what the American Public is upset about.  Not Obama Care which is proving to be more of a mess than anyone imagined, not the upcoming election, not immigration, the economy or the out of control Federal Government, but a f*#@*ng Starbucks Cup.

The good news is, Dutch Brothers is doing a gangbusters business in Arizona. Very good news.

Happy Election Day

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