My wife, dog and I just returned from a relaxing, 3 day trip
where we were fortunate enough to stay at the “Hidden Rest Cabins,” Pinetop,
Arizona. We were looking for a break from
everything, work, the summer heat in the desert (still in the high 90’s), and
just a break from the routine.
We had also been out of the house about a month ago for a
couple of nights, staying at a local place, The Smoke Tree Resort, just down
the road from our house. Now we’re not jet setting or spending a fortune on
travel. What’s unique and great about these places is that both of them are
family owned and maintained, neither one is a huge property, and both have been
in existence since the 1950”s. Here’s the kicker, neither one of them was over
$80 s night!
But that isn’t today’s story, (but will be later ones). A couple of years ago we, like many others,
realized that we were paying a crazy amount of money to Cable TV, for shows we
had no interest in watching, as a matter of fact in spite of the number of
channels available, we were having trouble finding anything to watch, so we cut
the cable cord and went with Netflix. Now we watch what we want, when we want,
with the surprise benefit of being able to watch a 60 minute show in 42
minutes…can’t beat it.
What I didn’t realize we were missing, till we stayed in a couple of places with cable, was, Infomercials! Holy Cow! I had no idea what we have been missing! I had no idea that life could be so easy. We can be thinner, stronger, more stylish, cook with three types of ovens, make crazy shakes, vacuum the rug right off the floor, dress stylishly, have the latest computer, get a knife set that will replace everything including my axe, light the exterior of the house with lasers and…well, I’m running our of breath.
Since most of these products come with a complete, money
back guarantee and free return shipping, I think a realistic strategy is to
order a different product one at a time, use it till just before the expiration
period and then return it. Seems pretty sound to me, and I’ll be improving my
life! And doing if for free!
It seems the hardest part of making a decision on what to
buy is the timing, so many of the offers end AT THE END OF THE BROADCAST!
We’re going to have to check into a hotel again soon, I feel
the need for a Ninja Coffee Maker creeping up on me.
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