Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Webster’s Universal Unabridged Dictionary,  the hardbound, print copy, defines procrastination as:  1. to defer action; delay.  2. to put off till another time or day; defer; delay. (page 1147).

Writers Block: not in the dictionary…kind of makes me wonder.

Is it writers block?  Or procrastination?  It’s an experiment I’m conducting. I see by my mailbox and looking at my latest writing that folks have been eagerly awaiting a post since January. February, being a short month doesn’t seem to count for much. Sorry to those of you who have February birthdays. And, it’s dark an awful lot in February.

Truth be told, I can’t tell which it is and I’ve been doing yard work. We’ve got a lot of yard that needs a lot of work. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been working on the north 40. I have dreams of purchasing a small Massey Furguson Lawn tractor to help with the chores. Uncle Andy on the farm used Massey Ferguson’s.

We spent a lot of wonderful time at the farm when I was a kid. Uncle Andy was my godfather, not in the criminal sense, but in the family sense, but I digress, or is it procrastinate?  See,the actual dilemma in action!
I’ve also been playing the guitar and recording. I’m doing some vocals now. Since my bout with throat issues last year I’ve developed a new singing voice, kind of Kris Kristofferson, Tom Waits sounding.  It’s a pleasant change for me, as well as a nice change to once again have a voice.

Spring cleaning has jumped in as well. We’ve taken enough stuff to the thrift store to supply an emerging nation. Windows have been washed; walls are ready to be painted, as soon as we get the paint, (that’s not writers block).

It’s hard to write with this darn internet on all the time as well. I started looking up some punctuation rules, but somehow ended up reading about chemtrails. According to my study, there is a sinister purpose for our government spraying us with exotic, unknown chemicals. The sticking point on them is….why? 

I’ve got to look that up….see ya.

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