Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It Was 40 years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the Band to Play...

 Not quite 40 years to the day, but 40 years back to the summer of '74. Just out of high school, landscaping the summer away (a short lived career) My best friend Bob Davis, from Chicago made his first trip out to visit. There was a lot of life waiting to happen for both of us.

We met each other the first day of Jr. High 1969, and our friendship has spanned the last 45 years. I've known Bob longer than I've known anyone in the world (other than family, no choice there). We've been through a lot together, oddly much of it shared across the miles most of the time. But it's worked, it's worked damn well as a matter of fact.

Bob drove out from St. Paul last week and we were able to spend 5 great days together again. Now of course we've seen each other, talked, texted and stayed in touch over the years, but it doesn't hold a candle to spending real time with a great friend.

Life has happened to both of us over those years, but as you can see not only are we both still standing, we are both still smiling. A great friend can do that not only with you, but for you as well. Bob headed back up to the great cold north today and it was hard to say good bye again and see him go, but that's how life works.

We've both got a lot of life left to happen to us, Thank God for Friends.

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